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6 Ways to Redefine Your Life

Updated: May 28, 2022

When was the last time someone called you a name and you believed it?

Did you start questioning your identity and how people see you?

Has your past been a mess and now you are believing all the lies?

God calls you by name, not by your mistakes.

1. Chosen: Called out, set apart for oneself with a specific purpose

Not everyone has the same calling in life. Being chosen does not give ourselves a pat on the back but to live out the gospel every day and move forward in our calling. When you feel under qualified is when God can give you bold belief.

God does not call the equipped; He equips those that answer the call.

Sometimes we disqualify ourselves from our calling because we don’t think we are enough

Some of you have books in you that can be #1 best sellers, but you disqualify yourself because you did not go to school for that.

Some of you have million-dollar visions but you can't see past your bank account balance.

Some of you may feel like you have nothing to offer the world because society says you aren't young enough to matter. If God is for you, who can be against you!

2. Adopted: To be brought into the family of God to be a co-heir with Christ

I was redefined when I was little when I got adopted into my family. My whole lifestyle changed.

The same as when you become a new creation in Christ, you change your lifestyle.

You get to call Jesus your Father because He calls you daughter.

You don't have to adopt the bad habits of this world to become a somebody. Jesus sees you as beautiful and He knows how much you are worth.

3. Justified: To be declared righteous and right with God through faith in Jesus’ pardoning sacrifice.

Imagine that you are on trial for a crime. You willingly broke the law, so you deserve the punishment for your crime. You get up and you are confessing what you did, and you know you deserve what is coming. Instead of sentencing your life in prison or worse, to death, the judge stands up and says that he will take your place. Not only are you completely set free from the charges but are also forgiven.

That’s what it means to be justified in the eyes of God. Jesus took your place so that you could be in right relationship with God.

4.Redeemed: To be bought back from the tyranny of sin and shame by the payment of God through the blood of Christ

In order to fully understand what life as a redeemed child of God looks like, we have to grasp the reason we need redemption. When Adam and Eve sinned in Genesis 3 and bit the forbidden fruit, defying Gods orders and design, the shackles of sin found its way around the hearts of every human being.

Sin weighs you down and imprisons you into brokenness. We are broken people because of the fall. Good news, you don't have to stay broken. No matter the season or circumstance you are in. All you need to do is plead the blood of Jesus over your life and accept Him as Lord. He will wipe your slate clean without thought of your past.

5. Sanctified: The process of becoming more like Christ every day.

Sanctification or in another words “soul scrubbing” is the task of the Holy Spirit to daily scrub our lives and cleanse us from the stains of the world.

The process of sanctification is not a one-time thing, it is daily renewal through prayer and getting in the Word.

A believer’s life should look different than those around them. We should dress different, have different choices, and act different. Now I didn’t say we should act better or pretend to be better. But the way we come across to people should be totally different than a non-believer.

The more you seek Jesus, the more you will fall in love with prayer, reading His Word, and worship.

6. Unfinished: Being incomplete or a job not yet done.

Jesus can redefine and reshape your life, but you will never be a finished product of His love until you get to Heaven. Sadly, some people die with the same heart that they still had the day they were saved. Not saying that it’s a bad heart or a heart that won’t make it to heaven, but God has so much in store and planned for our life. You need to always remember that you are doing this for the Kingdom of God and not for man's applause.

The race for “perfection” is a never-ending pursuit, but the race towards Jesus is a never-ending joy!

God uses broken things.

We have all been broken in our life. The struggle to live this out is a daily battle.

Will you believe you are chosen when someone doesn’t choose you?

Will you believe that you are adopted into God's family and a co-heir with Christ when your own family and friends betray you?

Will you believe that you are justified by faith through grace in Christ when the enemy tries to remind you of your past?

Will you believe that are you are redeemed and loosed from the chains of slavery when you are tempted to go back to your old ways and habits just one more time?

Will you believe that you are being sanctified into the image of Christ each day when you lose your temper and it’s not even 8am yet?

Will you believe that you are unfinished and willing to obey and accept the Lords calling every day of your life when the world wants to tell you broken things can’t be used?

Jesus is alive and well, you are living proof.

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6 comentários

Kennedy Hill
Kennedy Hill
23 de jun. de 2022

God keeps putting things in my path to show me I am worthy, loved, and meaningful and this came up in my email today and I just wanted to say thank you for an encouraging, enlightening, and uplifting word!


Karen Martin
06 de jun. de 2022

Beautifully written Nikki.. Super proud to call you my Pastor, "My friend!"


Misty Francis
02 de jun. de 2022



Ashley Monks
Ashley Monks
02 de jun. de 2022



02 de jun. de 2022

Good word Nikki!!!

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