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It's Your Turn Around Season

There have been plenty of times in my life where I have felt stuck. Stuck in a marriage that was not working, stuck in my own sin and shame, stuck in a cycle that I felt was never ending. We all get there one way or another. Sometimes it’s an easy fix to get unstuck but other times, it takes time and it takes discipline. We were meant to bloom and flourish in this lifetime. Yes, we will have hardships and sadness but we can also have victory and wonder.

We can flourish in season and out of season. We just need to be connected to the right water source.

What is the definition of a turnaround? A turnaround is an abrupt or unexpected change, especially one that results in a more favorable situation.

There are two words in that definition that stand out the most to me, unexpected and favor. Who doesn't want to have unexpected favor?

When God says he will turn it around he turns it around in your favor unexpectedly! Sometimes we just have to hold on and do our part for our turnaround.

If you want to have a turnaround in your life you need to go to the source. That is God and His Word! Health can be a turnaround. Financial freedom is a turnaround. Having a healthy happy marriage is a turnaround. Freedom from addiction is a turnaround. But so is drinking plenty of water, not being in contact with certain people, staying around from certain places, and going to bed at a certain time every night. God is a God of the big and small things in our life.

I want you to flourish in life. I want you to find the better parts of yourself this year. I want you to grow so in love with yourself, Jesus, and the people around you that everyone will be astonished at your turnaround. Why? Because it happened with an unexpected favor! It’s your bloom season but in order to bloom you need to plant.

I have a FREE workbook called Bloom Season(It’s Your Turn Around). Please click the link below and get ready for God to take you, plant you, and make you bloom! It's time for a Glow Up sis!

“But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It doesn't not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.”

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