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Mid-Wife Crisis

Updated: Jun 29, 2022


Have you ever felt like you are going through a mid-wife crisis? No, not a mid-life crisis but a mid-wife crisis! This happens to most women when you have been married for a few years. That honeymoon glow is over and reality has set in. If you are a newlywed reading this or you are about to get married, let me be real with you. GET READY! This is bound to happen to you sooner or later. I don’t care if you have the best Christian marriage or not. Our husbands are going to get on our nerves. We are going to start wondering why we didn’t enjoy our single season. It’s ok! It’s ok to feel that way and to have emotions.

When you waited anxiously for your husband to come home just so you could sit down and have that dinner you cooked. Now, all you want to do is go out to eat because you're exhausted and the thought of cooking him dinner makes you mad. Girl, trust me. I have been there. I want to encourage you today, that our role is way more than making sure your man is fed and the house is clean. You need to be reminded of your calling as a wife, not the feelings you had before marriage. You were created to be his helper.

“The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” Genesis 2:18

You are there to HELP build a life with your husband and a legacy that is meant to last. Not to do everything alone or split things 50/50. This is not a divorce. The bible says a wife brings her husband good and not harm (Proverbs 31:12) You have the power to destroy your husband or bring him good just by your words and actions. That is a powerful statement. Sorry ladies but I am going to say it

“Nag less and love more.”

Thrive in your marriage sis! Thrive in that marriage bed! Yes, I will say it, “having sex while married should be the best sex of your life.” Maybe this is why you feel like you are in this slump because everything is so mundane and blah! That is a lie from the devil. You are meant to flourish in your marriage, no matter what stage you are in. The honeymoon can last and the feelings can last. When was the last time you sat down and listened to your husband? When was the last time you had date night? When was the last time you told him how you are really feeling? Don’t be scared to have those conversations.

Communication is tough for most people. Jake and I have 2 different love languages. I love acts of service and he loves affirmations. Do we always get it right? Heck no! But I know I would rather walk through this life married and progressing than to hold bitterness and resentment in my heart.

Whether you are happily married, or tired, stressed, and simply disappointed, I want you to think about God’s grace for a moment and then extend that grace to your husband.


“So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most.” Hebrews 4:16

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