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Oceans Deep

This past week I went on vacation to the beach. It was so peaceful and relaxing. The one thing that stood out to me was, of course, the ocean. Sitting there listening to the waves come in and feeling the salt water breeze. Just looking out and seeing no end to the ocean. What a marvelous thing the ocean is.

On our first day the ocean was so clear, nothing but sand, water and sea shells. The next day we woke up, walked down to the beach and there was this brown seaweed stuff that had washed up from the night. Where did it come from? Why does it come? How long is this stuff going to stay? Will this ruin our beach trip? So many questions running through my head. But me being me, starting thinking about how this is life.

One minute things seem so great, the next minute things are washed up in our life.

A sickness could just suddenly take place in your body, a death of a loved one, financial issues could arise, or all of a sudden you and your spouse start arguing constantly. Whatever the case may be, you can never put a certainty on life. Things happen! All the time! When you’re in the ocean and you try to swim against the current and against the waves, you’re most likely to get knocked down. We can't control the things that come unexpectedly but we can change the way we handle them. This may be an unpopular opinion but it’s one I’m starting to adopt in life which is

“Just go with the flow”.

God never gives us more than we can handle. He knows how strong we actually are. I’m a firm believer that we go through things sometimes not for ourselves. We have to go through the waves and come out on the sandy beaches to help someone else going through the same thing. One day your trial is going to be your testimony.


We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. Romans 5:3

Your life is an ocean. There is so much you can’t see. You can’t see what the storms are going to bring in but you can see the beauty of it. Don’t just stand on the shore afraid to enjoy it. Jump in! Face the seaweed(trials) and learn to go with the flow of life. You never know the beautiful things you can discover.

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Jun 13, 2022

Love this!! 🌊☀️💜

Nikki Black
Nikki Black
Jun 13, 2022
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Thank you sis!!!

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