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Tell Your Story

And they have defeated him by the blood of the Lamb
and by their testimony. Revelation 12:11

The women's group at my church has been doing this all year! We have been telling our stories. I know it seems a little strange to some people. Most people don’t want to air out their dirty laundry but when it’s done in the right setting with the right people, it’s a God send. Trust me sis, we all have skeletons in our closet we don’t want exposed. That is your testimony! That is your breakthrough story!

I have gone through hell and back several times in my life. I would love to sit here and shake my fist at God as to why he let certain things happen but in all honesty, I did it to myself. Ouch! That’s something we don’t want to hear. Instead of putting the blame on God and other people, it’s time we start taking responsibility for our own actions. God was standing there, waving a big red flag, we just chose to ignore the signs.

Getting into a relationship or a situationship we weren't meant to get in, spending money on a vehicle when we knew we couldn’t afford it, changing jobs when God wanted you there for a reason, or falling back into your same addictions because you have never gotten to the root of the problem. This isn’t God’s fault but it can be your comeback. That is how the enemy loves to work. He will mess with your mind and leave you there sabotaging yourself for years. We have to say “Enough is enough devil? I am taking back my peace and my purpose.” One way you can finally get set free from the condemnation is to TELL YOUR STORY!

Write it in a letter, all the raunchy details and then set that sucker on fire. Get some counseling with a Christian mentor. Hit me up, I would love to hear your story and where God is bringing you from.

Do you want to hear my story in a nutshell?

I was chained to pornography.

I could lie and cheat my way out of anything.

I was good at being a manipulator.

I drank and partied my way through my freshman year in college.

Shacked up with the man I thought was right for me, had a baby out of wedlock, cheated on him, and lived 10 years outside the Will of God. Now the old me would have inserted all the bad things my ex did to me in those 10 years but God wants you to take care of your own sins.

It doesn’t matter what you have done in your past. There is nothing “to dirty” that God can’t make clean. That is why I put that picture of me and Jake in this blog. The woman I was before had no idea about the life I was about to be living. I didn't think I deserved a progressing relationship. No relationship should ever be "great" it should be progressing. I remember when I fully told my story for the first time. It was after I became the pastor’s wife of WHC and I was standing in the pulpit spilling my testimony because God told me to. Trust me!!! I did not want to. But I knew that I had to obey if I wanted to feel free from all the guilt and condemnation that was hovering over me like a dark cloud.

My story is not beautiful, but with God, it’s a beautiful masterpiece.

Your story matters, it really does.

Your struggles and tears matter, they really do.

You just may be the reason someone finds breakthrough because you were willing to step out and be bold.

Your story is powerful, your story is unique, and your story is beautiful…just like you!

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