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The Message That Changed My Life


Have you ever had a moment in your life where everything just clicked? You start looking at your situation a little differently than you had before? There will come a point in your life when the things you have been running from will finally catch you. Everything you have been trying to avoid will come at you like a ton of bricks. We are to run a good race for the Lord, not frantically trying to run from God and get weary.

I remember the day when everything finally came to a head. The sermon that turned my life around. Do I remember the title? No. But I do remember this one phrase in the whole message that shook me to my core.

“I don’t want to live my life knowing Jesus but never having a relationship with Him. Then to die and go to hell and look over and see a loved one or a friend next to me. Having them turn to you and asking you, “Why didn’t you tell me about Jesus?” “All I did was follow what you did!”

It was something in that moment, as I am holding my few month old baby girl in my arms sitting at Victory Worship Church with Pastor Brian Fouts speaking this message. Tears are rolling down my cheeks because I knew of the Lord but I haven’t had a relationship with Him in a long time. I was living in sin. Trying to play both sides of the fence. Being a Christian on Sundays but living like the world Monday through Saturday. My heart was breaking because I knew that I was leading myself and my daughter straight to Hell. I didn’t want to look over and see her in agony because she did what I did. She learned to use Jesus as a genie instead of a Savior who wants to have a relationship with us.

I handed my daughter to my mom and I just remember making my way to the altar with tears running down my face. I didn’t care that people knew who I was. They grew up with me in church my whole life. I didn’t care what I had done prior because I knew I needed to make things right with the Lord and do the number one thing a mother can do for their children.

Teaching your kids about Jesus AND teaching them how to have a relationship with Him. It’s not just about knowing who He is. It’s about that personal relationship He wants to have with us.

After I left that service it is not like everything was just peachy. It was a daily struggle and constant work. Your journey will never be linear but as long as you keep walking towards Jesus, even if you fall and it takes a little bit to get back up, GET BACK UP!

How many people are you taking with you? Let that sink in for just a moment. Where are you going? Heaven or Hell? How many people are you taking with you to Heaven? How many people are following you straight to Hell? People are watching you even when you

don’t know it.

You could be reading this on accident or just because I posted it. If you don’t know where you will spend eternity, let’s pray together!


I know that I am a sinner. I confess my sins to you right now. Search my heart and make me clean. I believe that you died on the cross for me and you rose from the dead for a sinner like me. Lord forgive me. I let go of the reins over my life and I ask you to come and live in my heart. I don’t just want to know of you but I want to have that deep relationship with you. Help me guide the people in my life towards the cross. Let me show people love through you. Thank you for saving me and loving me. In Jesus Name


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